Certified Property Management is Committed to Keeping Kids Safe


Gwenn Aspen of CPM Realty accepting the Healthy Homes Award from Governor of Nebraska, Dave Heineman.

CPM and our principals have been awarded the Healthy Homes Award granted by the Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance in 2013 and 2014. We are proud supporters, and active participants in preventing lead poisoning in children. Our passion for the Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance is due to our shared commitment to making sure housing in Omaha is safe. If you would like to know more about the unbelievable work that our neighbors and friends at the Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance do please visit their website http://www.omahahealthykids.org/


Winners of the 2013 and 2014 Health Homes Awards granted by the Omaha Health Kids Alliance. We care about keeping kids safe.

If you feel as passionately as we do about their mission don’t forget to support them on May 20th during the Omaha Gives event, or to participate in the Rundee 5k in Dundee on Aug. 29th at 8:30 am. All proceeds go to the OHKA.

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